October 25, 2006

How US Government fights against a Russian disabled person

For those not familiar with the case of Alexander Kashin vs. Douglas Barry Kent, let me give you a quick rundown. On October 27, 1998 then US Consulate General in Vladivostok, Doug Kent, smashed his SUV into a car carrying 23 year old Alexander Kashin in downtown Vlad. Kashin was paralyzed from the neck down and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Witnesses and police allege that Kent blew three traffic lights leading up to the accident, came out of the car laughing and appeared to be drunk. Kent then fled the scene to a nearby club, Nautilus. The owner of Nautilus confirmed this and further noted that Kent had a grand old time after the crash, taking down the panties of a stripper with his teeth. The guy's got balls, you have to give him that much.

Once word got out about this, outrage was expressed in the local media, so the United States government removed Kent from Vlad. He left without forking over a penny to Kashin and was re-assigned by the State Department. Kent and the US ignored Kashin's pleas for help in paying medical bills.

Enter John Gallagher, a Philadelphia-based attorney who in 2000 took on Kashin's case pro bono. Gallagher spent over $200,000 on private investigators just trying to find Kent, who was eventually located at an apartment complex in Arlington, Virginia. Kent was hard to find because he used several false names (in an obvious attempt to elude the hammer of justice). He even had a phony name on the lease of his apartment. They found Kent after he carelessly used his real name at a local dry cleaner. He was served a subpoena and the case of Kashin vs. Kent was filed in US courts.

Gallagher flew to Vlad to investigate the matter and got sworn affidavits from five eye-witnesses indicting Kent. The State Department countered by shifting Kent to a series of overseas assignments ranging from Panama to Liberia, as opposed to, say, firing him. Kent's attorneys filed six separate motions to dismiss the case, to no avail. By and by, it was determined that Kent was "acting within the scope of employment" during the accident and is therefore protected under diplomatic immunity. Of course! And since that's the decision, Kashin is essentially fucked because foreigners aren't allowed to sue the State Department.

So eight years later while medical bills mount, the paraplegic Alexander Kashin still hasn't received a thin dime from either Kent or the US government. Gallagher and his team estimate the total damages at $10 million. "What shocks me in this case," says Gallagher "is that after the use of diplomatic immunity the United States wouldn't make provisions for the medical attention we were obviously responsible for."

But I'm not shocked. It sounds pretty typical of the callous, indifferent and evil old US of A I've come to know. Gallagher points out the blatant hypocrisy of the American government, when in 1997 it forced Georgia to remove diplomatic immunity for a diplomat who had killed a woman while drunk driving. The Georgian diplomat was prosecuted in America and spent five years in jail.

The Kashin case is an example of why people around the world hate America. We lecture others about justice and freedom but refuse to take seriously those principles ourselves. Most people can figure this out for themselves, but Americans will never get it. What I've learned since being back in the US is that the place is a communications vacuum. Anything that happens outside of America doesn't really happen unless it's acknowledged by the media or government. Liberals and conservatives are of equal guilt, and what's funny is that they just don't know any better. Supposedly progressive New York media and ridiculous websites like The Huffington Post don't realize how absolutely parochial and self-obsessed they are. If a bit of news has no obvious connection to the Democratic Party, you won't see it on The Huffington Post. If you tell a New Yorker that they mispronounce Maria Sharapova's name or that North Korea didn't actually test a nuclear weapon you'll get nothing but a completely blank, stupid look.

What kind of country shelters and protects a dirtbag like Doug Kent? The kind that kicks the living shit out of civilians all over the world in order to recklessly pursue its own perceived interests, that's what kind -- America. The truth is, the US and its representatives believe they can do just about anything they want and get away with it -- because it's all done in the name of freedom and of fighting fascism -- especially in an outback like Vlad where they can dismiss the locals as savages. We assert moral superiority over the rest of the world in a phony "war on terrorism" when we obviously have none. The civilized world, to the extent that is exists, is laughing at us.

This past August, the wheelchair-ridden Kashin approached US ambassador to Russia William Burns -- who was in Vlad on a PR tour -- to beg for help. A confused Burns -- who had clearly never heard of the disgusting affair -- promised Kashin he'd put in a word for him at the State Department. Does anyone believe that for a second?

Late Note: As of going to print, the FBI raided John Gallagher's office in Philly as part of the move against his friend, Sen. Curt Weldon. How convenient for Kent.

October 23, 2006

The Richest Deputy in the World

The leader of Russian Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) Vladimir Zhirinovsky managed to spend $612,000 in just three months on postage for correspondence with his party members. That's about $200K a month on mail, or about 500 times the federal limit on postage expenditures which is capped at $370 per month.

The average cost of mailing a letter is about 5 rubles. If you do the math, it comes out that Zhirinovsky's office sent out about 3.2 million letters in the months of June, July and August. The fact these are the months that preceded nationwide Duma elections, we're guessing that he wasn't just reaching out to existing party members. Chances are that most of that cash was spent on printing glossy fliers for his reelection campaign. But this practice isn't news to anyone. According to Moskovskye Novosti, almost every deputy uses their mail expenditure accounts for anything from reelection campaigns to flower baskets for their mistresses. It's not surprising that they overdraw. $370 a month might be enough to send out post cards hundreds of thousands of postcards, but doesn't quite cut it when it comes to gift baskets.

To remedy the situation, Duma deputies are discussing a bill that would raise that sum to a more civilized amount.

Seems like the amount spent by Zhirinovsky for mail for the three months sets a new record among deputies worldwide. We just wonder how long it will take to beat the record. And it woudn't be a surprise if it'd be done by one of the LDPR's members.

Source: http://www.exile.ru/2006-October-20/kompromat_korner.html

October 18, 2006

Foaming: New Type of Terrorism in Russia

Seems like Russians again invented a new type of terrorism conditionally called “foaming”.

An accident happened on October 13, 2006 in Saint-Petersburg. In the morning the square at the Kazan cathedral was full of foam being thrown out by the squares’ fountain. Foam flakes were lying everywhere – on trees, lawns, pavement, benches etc.

According to preliminary investigation, unidentified person(s) poured out a significant amount of shampoo or shaving cream into the fountain.

Later, the international youth non-political movement called “Glamour extremists” took the responsibility for this accident. As they stated, it was an act of protest, no one was hurt during this act, and it can’t be incriminated as an act of vandalism. They just wanted to stress the deplorable state of fountains in Saint-Petersburg. Most of them don’t function and haven’t been repaired for a long period of time. The municipal body called “Vodokanal” which is in charge of all water-supplying facilities in the city very poorly maintains the facilities within their jurisdiction. “They’d better pay more attention to what they’re obliged to do rather than doing nothing while residing in their luxury apartments in prestigious parts of the city”.

At the same time, authorities said that the fountain was damaged (ha-ha) due to such an act of vandalism and additional financing will be required to get it repaired. Seems like bureaucrats are always on the look-out and not going to miss an opportunity to spend governmental money for their own needs.

However, there is a threat that such ‘foaming terrorism’ has all the chances to widely spread across Russia as means of protest.

Source: Russian mass-media

October 12, 2006

A couple of Mr. Putin's funny pictures

Let's relax for a moment and forget about politics. Below are some photos of Mr. Putin. Think, you could find them a bit funny.

Just got hungry... At a Dresden's cafe

Old good days.... (reading newspaper). Even at those Soviet times Putin was stylish

Flirting with pretty girls...