In GAI (Russian road police) they still do not know where that "Mercedes" is, which on Monday morning rammed and just really smashed "Zhiguli, which happend, unluckily, in the area. Officials refused to indicate whether that Mercedes car was accompanying the Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev.
Here we post photos and testimonies of several eyewitnesses, who gave a clear picture of events.

Yesterday GAI reported that a regular duty car in the Moscow region was hit by a Zhiguli car. This information was confirmed by the Supreme Court, and the FSO (Russian Federal Security Service). However, on pictures from the scene of an accident it's obvious the the Police car has the registration plate of SB GIBDD Moscow.
We know that Mercedes E-Klasse are available only to elite units of GIBDD (Russian road Police). Two letters "SB-spetsbatalon" (that stands for "special batallion") - clearly say that that Mercedes was from car escorts of high-level Russian officials.

One of the witnesses of the accident says: Sept. 10 in the area between Dubrovkoy and Gazoprovodom, some 25 km of Kaluga highway, "a police Mercedes with flashing , moving at a very high speed on the counter (median) strip committed front clashes with VAZ-2104.
One of the witnesses of the accident said: "Road police blocked traffic due to the cortege. Cortege, consisting of Mercedes and grey BMW, was driving on the center strip at speed not less than 95 miles per hour. The driver of Zhiguly car was driving on the right traffic lane when collision happened

Another driver reported the following: "I went to the highway in the Kaluga region. There was a traffic jam, it was moving very slowly. I made way for driving fast towards Moscow a blue-white Mercedes and a representative vehicle, which I did not recognize. A few minutes later, a police "Ford Focus" rushed. Moving slowly in heavy traffic the second witness arrived to the place of accident in 10-15 minutes, . The accident occurred about 600-800 meters from a town named Gazoprovod. "I first saw the white Zhiguli from which smoke was going", says the man. In the car, more precisely, in its remainings there was a man sitting. I think he was still alive. A few metres further there was a police Mercedes. " Its front-side was badly divided, there were several people in uniform standing next to the car. At the "Mercedes" there was a man lying on the ground . His legs and hands were abnormally folded. From the pose in which he was lying, it was clear that he was ded. "
The third witness believed that the driver of the Zhiguli-car died: "The accident happened one hundred meters in front of me. When I was driving by, the driver was lying 30 metres behind his car. His face was covered with cloth. Policemen were actively talking on the phone, paying no special attention to the man lying on the ground. "
Some of those who saw everything with their own eyes, said that the main car of cortege, accompanied by Mercedes which slammed the Zhiguly returned to the place of the accident, waited 20 minutes, and then drove again on the counter-strip towards Moscow.
Unwilling spectators of the tragedy also said that soon after the car accident, "emergency" came, which took away the driver and passengers of Zhiguli car. Police Mercedes was loaded on truck and also taken away from "extra-eye".
PS Later it was reported that two passengers of Zhiguli died in hospital
Source: Russian mass media
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