August 24, 2006

Russian Airplane crashed over Ukraine (video attached)

This sorrowful accident happened on August, 22 2006. An airplane of Russian airlines named 'Pulkovo' heading to Saint-Petersburg from Anapa (a Russian southern resort city) fell down and exploded at the Donetsk region (Ukraine). I'm afraid we won't know the truth about the accident. All we currently know that the pilot sent SOS signals twice prior to the jet's explosion. Then radars lost it.

That day there was a strong thunderstorm abnormal for that region. The crew decided to fly over it but something probably went wrong with the engine. 160 passengers and 10 members of the crew all died. There were about 40 children abroad (that's understandable - they were all going back from their vacations with parents. My note - initially the Russian mass-media had the cheek to state there were only 4 kids abroad which was a pure bs.)

Today, August 24 2006 is a mourning day. No entertainment programs on TV. We all mourn over people died in that crash.

While the official cause of the accident hasn't been announced yet, here below is a video taken from a mobile phone by one of the witnesses of the accident.

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Video of the TU-154 airjet crash

August 22, 2006

Madonna cancels her show in Moscow

The picture above shows the location
where Madonna' cancelled show should have taken place

According to rumors, Madonna cancels her show widely-advertised show which should take place in Moscow on September, 11 (I don't know why she has chosen that date which can cause some unpleasant associations). At least, she will have to move it to another place.
The main problem is that the chief of the Moscow security department said in his statement that it is impossible to provide security for 150 thousand people according to estimates of the show organizers.
According to the oprganizers' requirement, the Moscow police should no let students of the Moscow State University who are staying in the nearest hostel (which is probably the largest one in Moscow and Russia), open windows and look out of them. As you understand, it's completely impossible and students would definitely not miss an opportunity to wathc the Madonna's concert for free.

For that reason Madonna has to cancel her show and choose another place in Moscow for it. Currently, almost all the tickets have been sold out and there are still chances the show would be entirely cancelled.

August 21, 2006

The easiest way to become a millionaire in Russia

When watching TV news. Reading newspaper, observing the situations happening in my daily life, I’m becoming more and more convinced about the easiest way to get rich fast and reliable in contemporary Russia.

No, this almost has nothing to do to be the president or at least CEO of one of oil or gas companies, or aluminum ones etc. No… despite all those things, to be a head of an oil companies is no so easy. Signing contracts, finding new markets (that is, where to ship those additional couple of million tons of ‘black gold’). Well, this all may cause a headache for an inexperienced CEO.

What if one has no experience, especially in the field of economics, marketing or MBA (I’m sure there few people in Russia who could answer what it stands for), but still wants to become a millionaire preferably in short-term period. Is there a way out? Is there a solution?

I’m 100% sure there is. Jus take over…. a governmental or municipal position. Why? Yes, I know, people working for government are not getting paid very well, especially in Russia (the average monthly salary in the range of $300 to $1000).

Of course, I’m not talking about low-level clerk, though even a regular clerk can built his career properly to earn good money, but this is the topic of one of my future posts.

Let’s assume you are at the position of deputy head of the educational department of one of little regions somewhere in the central Russia. You might ask how deputy head of the educational department can become rich when his salary is just, say, $500 a month. This mystery is what I’ll try to discover for you.

The road-map to becoming a millionaire is fairly simple and based on the events which seem to be unrelated from the first glance.

For example, recently under the presidential directive every school (even those ones situated in the center of frosty and dense Siberia) is to be equipped with so called ‘computer classes’. This is simply a room with a couple of dozens of PC (personal computers). For this purpose there is a special clause in the federal budget amounting for, say, $40 mln. That’s good news because educational departments all over Russia fall under that budget category.

That is that your department where you presumably work would get roughly $800 K. Well, not bad to start with. So what’s next? Oh, that’s easy – you go find a computers selling company (luckily, there are plenty of them. Better, if one of your relatives work there) and start estimating. Currently, a good PC’s system block with a Celeron processor having 2.5 GHz and 256 DDR SDRAM costs around $300. Plus add $250 for a mid-level 15-17 inches TFT monitor, plus accessories and, in total it would amount to roughly $600. Under you calculations there about 600 PC needed for your region. It would make $360 K. Great! Then you strike out the prices above and what we see is the system block price is $700 and LCD displays are now shipped at the price of $633 (special ‘discounted’ price for governmental bodies). Than you pay a certain percentage to the computer company (say, a couple of per cent), of course, you’ve got to pay at least half of your ‘profit’ to the head of your department and to the governor. Ok, it makes around $100K for your personal income for this operation (I let you make your own calculations based on what’s been said above). Clean work, no headache, no need to carry weights (except for bags with cash). And just to recall that this is only one of the governmental programs initiated by the government. There plenty of other social and useful programs targeted to improve people’s lives and develop economy. Ok, you got the hint, I presume.

So, it lets easily make a million annually including all those ‘kickbacks’ (‘rollbacks’) – everyone’s happy. Well, besides kids who have to learn Word, Excel etc sitting at those PC and harming their eyesight and putting up with slow computers. But who really cares?

August 17, 2006

Russian Special Police beat up innocent people + Horrible Video

This abominable accident happened in Sochi, one of the Russian southern resort cities. OMON policemen (OMON stands for Russian Special Police forces and sometimes referred to as the riot squad) were beating innocent people and asking “Who’s beaten our people?”

The accident happened on the night of June, 16. Two drunk cops serving in OMON were molesting to young girl at a café. The girls managed to leave the café and avoid raising a conflict. After that the two fellows started to provoke a young man who had danced with those girls for a fight. There were two young men observing the conflict (these men came frron Rostov-on-Don – another Russian southern city). They asked those drunken cops to stop behaving themselves improperly. After that a fight began. The drunken cops were beaten up and spent some time lying on ground. When they got up they threatened to come back and then went away.

The night of August 18 to 19 became a real horror. From 30 to 50 cops (witnesses state it differently) came to that part of the city and started busting all men and teenagers. They were using force, electrical shockers and batons. Some of the cops were armored with machine guns. When beating people they were constantly asking the question: “Who’s beaten up our people?”

The mass bust was at the café where two days befortwo drunken cops had been beaten up. The café weas overcrowded. The cops were throwing people over the café fencing and making them lie down on the ground. When everybody was lied down they again started asking “Who beat out people?” When nobody answered they asked “Who is from Rostov-on Don?” Those unlucky ones who raised their hands where then brutally beat with batons and electroshockers.

Then all busted people were put in a bus and driven to the police station. All this scene was observed by pedestrians, tourists and café visitors as well as residents and relatives of busted people who came after they head heard screams.

Relatives of busted teenagers came after the bus with busted people driving their own cars. When the bus arrived to the police station no one was going to release arrested people. Parents of teenagers requested to call for emergency and give medical support to the victims. But policemen refused to do this. The busted people had remained in the custody for 6 hours. Then they were threatened and forced to sign statements that they didn’t have any complaints against the policemen.

Two of the victims then were hospitalized. Other went to medical examination later. Many of them had numerous bruises. One of the teenagers had concussion of his brain, another one had contusion of his liver and kidneys.

The local Office of Public Prosecutor instituted legal proceedings. But I personally very doubtful that those cops from OMON (the riot squad) would be properly punished.

PS The city of Sochi where this accident occurred is one of the candidates for holding Olympic Games.

PPS View the horrible video below which also took place in Sochi: a bastard serving in Russian specila forces hits an innocent fellow in his kidney so that he falls down.

August 15, 2006

World War III will begin in 7 days

Digg this article!   Add to Reddit! The World war III will begin on August 22, 2006.

The world is on the verge of a new horrible war, most probably, a nuclear war. That’s not one of the Nostradamus prophecies. This is the prediction of many famous political scientists, including Bernard Lewis – a man who is close to G. Bush’s administration.

The war will begin on August, 22 in the Middle East. The conflict will be initiated by Teheran which will strike Israel. Youll ask why on August, 22? The answer is simple. On that day the Washington’s request for the Iran’s president to stop the Iran’s nuclear program will expire. Teheran will definitely refuse to. Moreover, due to an accidental coincidence, on that night of Auggust, 22 Muslims will be celebrating the Mohammed’s travel to Jerusalem and his Ascension. That wool be a very good reason for Mohammed’s followers to celebrate it with striking Israel. Israel will respond immediately.

This scenario isn’t dreams of a committed madman. Everything’s possible in the Middle East. People are playing with fire. Nobody actually controls the situation, that’s why it can explode any time. What we observe is currently going world war there.

First Stage

Now it’s clear to everybody that actual Israel’s intentions weren’t strictly tighten up with Hezbollah destruction. They could have done with the help of their Mossad agents to kill all Hezbollah’s leaders. The perfectly equipped Israel’s army could have easily destroyed all terrorist’s missile installations. So why did they need those bombings of Lebanon’s cities? Morover, its been done under strong US support? Lebanon’s occupation is a ground to solve the “Iran’s problem”.

Second stage

Israel has set Hezbollah back off of their borders. What’s next? Tel-Aviv and USA haven’t been hurrying up to agree with UN resolutions. Seems like they deliberately provoke Iran to join the conflict. Iran will try to bomb Israel – Tel-Aviv will trap them (as it’s been many times before with Iraq’s missiles.) But both Washington and Tel-Aviv will obtain a formal right to strike Iran back.

Third stage

Israel will bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. USA will support it with its fleet in the Persian Gulf and aviation. Iran won’t behave as a modest country girl and will use its entire rocket arsenal to bomb Israel and American navy ships.

No one can guarantee that other Muslim countries in that region will stray out of the conflict.

Fourth stage

The funnel of war will inevitably pull in other parties, such as Turkey. Activities of antigovernment formations in Iraq and Afghanistan will definitely become more intense. Finally, the emphasis will be shifted onto the struggle for regions with world’s oil resources. That’s what USA needs.

If one of the parties occupies the “world’s oil Klondike” it will cause strong resistance in Asia and Europe. Russia will also bwe provoked so that it would become an “actor” rather than an observer. But that would be the fifth stage…

PS The source is Russian mass-media (such as